Murray River Accommodations and Places to Eat
Rural Municipality of Murray River, PEI
Incorporated 1955 | Population 337 (2021 Census)
Accommodations and Places to Eat
To find the business or organization that you are looking for, please scroll through our directory listing. If the business is highlighted in green you can click on the link for further information.
The Olde Anchor B&B :
(902 )838-4675
Come from Away Bed and Breakfast and Cottage Rental
Homeport by the Sea:
Toll Free: 1.888.868.7734
Local: 902.940.0063
Somers By the Beach – Family Memories…Made Here (
(902) 962-3501
Seal Cove Campground | Murray Harbour North, PE-
Toll Free: 1 (877) 962-2745
Local (902) 962-2745
Maytree Eco-Retreat –Maytree Eco-Retreat (
Riverview Haven –
Riverview Haven – Houses for Rent in Murray River, Prince Edward Island, Canada – Airbnb
Champagne Loft in Little Sands –
Seacret Hideaway –
Seacret Hideaway – Cottages for Rent in Lot 64, Prince Edward Island, Canada – Airbnb
Places to Eat –
Millstone Grill -(902)741-6455 – Home – Millstone Grill
The Home Plate Restaurant and Bakery – (902) 741-2110 – 9571 Norman’s Rd
The Old General Catering House – for ‘Private Events’ Home | The Old General, Catering House
Gas Stations:
Miller’s Esso & Grocery 902-962-2707
To register your business please contact the municipal office at
Mayor: Tom Scott
Chief Administrative Officer: Connie Spencer
Karri Ferguson, Marvin MacLeod, Michael Franklin, Tanya Campbell, Shawn Dawson, Kelly Scott
Office Hours: Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 8AM – 4PM and Thursdays 8AM – 12PM
Council Meetings: Second Tuesday of the Month, 6:30 pm
Rural Municipality of Murray River
Municipal Office
1066 MacInnis Street
Murray River, PEI
Phone: 902-741-2009